- “I have been really impressed by the speed from referral, to assessment, to first appointment. For me, it is important to deal with what has happened quickly, and I feel I am ready to move forward now and ready to heal. Having to wait longer would not have been good. It would have meant re-opening old wounds”
Adult Counselling Client - ''I have found my voice and this has added to my self-worth. The highlight for me was not only learning about assertive communication but practicing it and it paying off, I was passive for so many years. I am now much stronger and I'm not going to go backwards. I've learnt to put myself as a priority''
DiAmond Client - "Thank you for all your support, it has been a game changer. It has allowed me to look at and process things in a different light. I used to believe in the stigma attached to asking for help. Now I feel confident that if I need help in the future I will seek professional help again and share my experience with others"
VIDA Occupational Health Client - "I would like to thank you for all the support Listening Ear has given to our children this year. It is a wonderful service and I know the children have benefitted greatly from the support from the counsellors"
In-school Children's Counselling Client Feedback - "At the start of counselling I couldn’t picture going back to work. I went back this Monday and I was excited and looking forward to it. After every session I felt myself getting better"
VIDA Occupational Health Client - "Listening Ear has been an amazing help for both of my children. The staff have been very kind and caring, providing my children with strategies in order to cope with the struggles that they have gone through and those that they are continuing to battle. The Youth Group has been amazing and made such a difference with my children, they feel listened to and know that staff are there for them to talk to when needed, and this has been a great support. Listening Ear has made a dramatic change to my children's lives and they continue to support my children now. I really would not know what to do without them"
CYP Counselling and Emotional Youth Club Client